Blogging in Cambodia

Blogging in Cambodia can be a rewarding experience, offering a chance to share your passions and connect with a global audience. By understanding the landscape, technical considerations, and cultural sensitivities, you can set yourself up for success in this growing market.

Blogging in Cambodia can be a great way to share your experiences and perspectives on the country and its culture. However, there are a few things to be aware of when blogging in Cambodia.

Here’s what you should know about blogging in Cambodia:

The Blogosphere Landscape

Emerging Market: Cambodia’s blogging scene is growing, but it’s not as saturated as some other Southeast Asian countries. This means there’s a chance to stand out with unique content.
Focus on English and Khmer: While English can reach a wider audience, blogging in Khmer allows you to connect with the local population and establish yourself as an authority on Cambodia-specific topics. Consider a bilingual approach if you can manage it.
Content is King (and Queen): People are interested in authentic and informative content. Focus on niche areas you’re passionate about, whether it’s Cambodian travel, food, culture, business, or expat life.

Technical Considerations

Internet: Cambodia’s internet speeds can be slow and unreliable compared to Western countries. Choose a reliable hosting provider and optimize your blog for slow connections.
Tech Savvy: While Cambodia has a growing tech scene, many people still rely on mobile phones for internet access. Make sure your blog is mobile-friendly and has a clean, easy-to-navigate layout.

Monetization Strategies

Advertising: Monetization through traditional advertising might be limited initially due to the smaller blogosphere. However, as your audience grows, you can explore options like Google AdSense or partnering with local businesses.
Affiliate Marketing: Promote relevant products or services related to your niche and earn a commission on sales generated through your blog.
Freelancing: Use your blog as a platform to showcase your expertise and attract freelance writing or consulting gigs related to Cambodia.

Legal and Cultural Considerations

Respectful Content: Cambodia is a conservative country. Be mindful of cultural sensitivities when writing about religion, politics, or social issues.
Defamation Laws: Cambodian defamation laws can be strict. Avoid making unsubstantiated claims or spreading rumors.
Visas and Taxes: Check visa requirements for long-term stays and any potential tax implications for income generated through your blog.

The Cambodian Blogging Community

Connect with Local Bloggers: Network with other bloggers in Cambodia through online forums or meetups. This can help you learn from their experiences and build a supportive community.
Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and participate in online discussions related to your niche. Building a loyal readership is key to long-term success.

Internet censorship

The Cambodian government has been known to censor certain websites and social media platforms, so it’s important to be aware of this when blogging.

Legal issues

Blogging in Cambodia can also come with certain legal risks. It is important to be aware of the country’s laws and regulations regarding free speech and online content, as well as potential libel and defamation issues.

Limited audience

Cambodia has a relatively small population and a lower level of internet penetration, which means that the audience for your blog may be limited.

Language barrier

English is not the primary language in Cambodia, so it can be difficult to reach a Cambodian audience if you’re writing in English.

Blogging can be a great way to document your travels and share your experiences with a wider audience, and there are a number of bloggers who write about Cambodia in both English and Khmer. As long as you are aware of the potential challenges and are mindful of the legal and cultural issues, blogging in Cambodia can be a rewarding and exciting experience.

Here are 10 notable bloggers in Cambodia:

Kounila Keo is a Cambodian blogger and social media influencer. She is the founder of the blog Blue Lady Blog, where she writes about her life in Cambodia, her travels, and her thoughts on social issues. She is also a vocal advocate for women’s rights and empowerment.

Tharum Bun is a Cambodian blogger and photographer. He is the founder of the blog Tharum Bun Photography, where he shares his photos of Cambodia and the world. He is also a passionate advocate for environmental protection.

Srey Pov is a Cambodian blogger and fashion designer. She is the founder of the blog Srey Pov, where she writes about fashion, beauty, and lifestyle in Cambodia. She is also a mentor to young women who want to pursue careers in fashion.

These bloggers are all notable for their different voices and perspectives on Cambodia. They use their blogs to share their experiences, insights, and opinions with the world. They are also all passionate about making a difference in Cambodia, and they use their blogs to raise awareness of important issues and to advocate for change.

Five travel blogs about Cambodia

Cambodia Daily Life

is a blog that offers a unique and personal perspective on daily life in Cambodia, featuring stories, photos and videos about the people, culture and customs of the country.

The Poor Traveler

is a blog that focuses on budget travel in Cambodia, providing tips and advice for travelers looking to explore the country on a tight budget.

Two Monkeys Travel

is a blog that covers a wide range of travel-related topics, including a section dedicated to Cambodia that features detailed guides, reviews, and photos of popular destinations and activities in the country.

Cambodia Backpacker

is a blog that focuses on budget travel and backpacking in Cambodia, offering advice, tips, and reviews for budget-minded travelers.


is a travel blog that provides in-depth guides, reviews, and information on Cambodia, including accommodation, transport and food options. It also features articles on culture, history and destinations all around Cambodia.

These are only a few examples and there are many more blogs and websites dedicated to travel in Cambodia. It’s always a good idea to read a few of them to get a better idea of what to expect and plan ahead.

Blogging in Cambodia

It started to gain popularity in the early 2000s with the rise of the internet. In the early days, blogs were primarily used as personal online journals. As internet access became more widespread, more people in Cambodia started using blogs to share their thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics, including politics, society, and culture.

In recent years, blogging has become an important platform for social and political activism in Cambodia, allowing individuals to express their views and engage in public discourse. Despite the Cambodian government’s efforts to control the flow of information and limit free speech, bloggers and online activists continue to use blogs as a tool for raising awareness and promoting change.

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